
NBOA collects and analyzes data on a wide range of topics to give you timely, relevant information to make strategic decisions about your school's finances. These targeted research efforts help you put your school's numbers in context.

Questions? Contact Elizabeth Dabney at or call 202-407-7149.


NBOA's signature data-collection platform offers a comprehensive look at your school's financial health, sustainability and staffing levels, customized benchmarking, and tools like the NBOA Dashboard and Composite Financial Index (CFI) calculator.

Research Reports

NBOA develops research reports to help business officers, heads of school and other independent school leaders understand key trends in independent school finances and operations that may inform strategic decisions.


Winter Webinar Series

Stay Up-to-Date on Hot Topics in Independent School Business & Business Operations

From endowment spending to hiring and retention strategies, learn about the latest information most relevant to your job as an independent school professional in an easy and accessible format. Webinars are held on select Thursdays at 3 PM ET. 

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